Online Marketing              


With SEO services from Mainstreethost, our professional consultants will help your site get discovered by: Increasing Visibility in the ,Search Engines, Amplifying Qualified Traffic, Boosting Keyword Rankings

Offers marketing advice to maintain dominant listings. Our consultants for SEO services will examine your website and optimize your web site for promotion to major search engines optimization services in India and worldwide to increase search engine placement (SEP) for submissions.

SEO ranking is the number at which your website is listed as a search result. So if someone is searching for hotels in Mumbai and your site is mentioned as the 60, this is your rank. The thing to remember is that if a person is searching for a hotel, maybe he will decide after viewing the first 1- sites. This means you require to feature among the top 10 i.e in a higher ranking so as not to lose business opportunity. premium search engine optimization is a ongoing assignment wherein we undertake not only to raise your search engine ranking but also to maintain it over a period of time for a fee.

Most Search engine optimization techniques are primarily focused on getting indexed. Most leading search engines use crawlers that match their algorithmic structures. Some of the online directories though still require manual submission of pages, which are then that are sent for editorial reviews. Some such directories are- The Open Directory Project and Yahoo Directory. Now let's take a look at some commonly used search engine optimization methods and how we can help your website reach top Google and Yahoo rankings by using Keyword usage, URL normalization, Cross Linking, Link popularity, Number of links, Online PRs methods.